Board and Committee Vacancies
Leon County Board of County Commissioners
Board and Committee Vacancies
The AHAC was established per Section 420.9076, Florida Statutes, as required for the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) program. Administered by Florida Housing, the SHIP Program provides funds to counties to finance and preserve affordable housing based on the locally adopted Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP). The program targets very-low, low, and moderate-income families.
The AHAC has the responsibility to review the established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted comprehensive plan and recommends specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing. In addition, the AHAC identifies incentives that are pertinent to affordable housing and serves as an information resource to help improve affordable housing feasibility.
Annually, the AHAC recommends specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing in a report to the Board of County Commissioners. The annual AHAC recommendation report includes proposed affordable housing incentive strategies and a review of previously recommended strategies. The Board then considers adopting the strategy recommendations to amend the Leon County LHAP which is required to be eligible for SHIP funds.
The advisory committee may perform other duties as requested, including:
- The provision of mentoring services to affordable housing partners including developers, banking institutions, employers, and others to identify available incentives, assist with applications for funding requests, and develop partnerships between various parties.
- The creation of best practices for the development of affordable housing in the community.
The committee must consist of one County Commissioner and one representative from at least six of the categories a through k listed below:
- A citizen who is actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is a representative of those areas of labor actively engaged in home building in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider of affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who actively serves on the local planning agency pursuant to Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes.
- A citizen who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governing body making the appointments.
- A citizen who represents employers within the jurisdiction.
- A citizen who represents essential services personnel, as defined in the local housing assistance plan. (Essential Service Personnel includes teachers and educators, other school district, community college and university employees, police and fire personnel, health care personnel, skilled building trades personnel and active U.S. Armed Forces service members.)
- A citizen who currently benefits from a rental housing assistance program, has benefited from an affordable homeownership program, or has experienced an eviction within the 10 years preceding their appointment.
Board of County Commissioners
Member may be a representative of one of the eligibility categories.
The Animal Classification Committee (ACC) is charged with the duties and responsibilities for considering the evidence, related history, ordinance requirements, and to provide recommendations as to the classification and disposition of any animal that is the subject of a Dangerous classification.
The ACC conducts hearings for animal owner's to contest the initial determination of classification, the penalty, or both, for an animal classified as dangerous by the Director of Animal Control, or designee. The ACC determines the classification and disposition of the animal based upon the ordinance requirements. The ACC shall decide the issues based upon the preponderance of the evidence and its decision shall be final.
Eligibility categories:
- County Sheriff, or designee
- Licensed veterinarian
- Informed citizen, who demonstrate by training, education, experience or employment, both an interest in animal welfare and control, and the objectivity and demeanor to fairly hear animal classification cases.
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a Licensed Veterinarian
Reviews and makes recommendations on the listing of properties on the Local Register Historic Places;
Reviews changes, except for routine maintenance, to the exterior of properties zoned with Historic Preservation Overlay (HPOD) Zoning District, and issues or denies Certificates of Appropriateness;
When necessary to protect the character of property in the HPO, grants variances in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the applicable City or County ordinance; and
Administers federal Certified Local Government program for historic preservation on behalf of City and County.
Directs appeals of its decisions to the Planning Commission, which hears appeals and makes recommendations to the County Commission.
Membership includes:
- 4 - owners of property having historic preservation zoning [ HPOD] (City and County each appoints two)
- 2 - members of American Institute of Architects (City and County each appoints one)
- 2 - members of Tallahassee Trust for Historic Preservation, Inc. (City and County each appoints one)
Tallahassee City Commission
Tallahassee City Commission
Conducts hearings on appeals and variances for the City of Tallahassee and Leon County. BOAA members are required to review the staff reports on the requested appeals and variances cases, conduct hearings in order to make findings of fact and, with the assistance of the BOAA attorney, make conclusions of law to make a determination on the requested appeal or variance.
Appeals: Certain decisions made by City or County officials are appealable to the BOAA. For example, an applicant for a proposed development may appeal a decision made by a County official to apply a particular parking standard to the proposed development. The BOAA is responsible for conducting the hearings and making a final decision on the appeals.
Variances: Variances to the City and County’s Land Development Codes may be granted under certain circumstances. The BOAA is responsible for conducting hearings on variances and determining whether the variance meets the applicable requirements. The BOAA will be required to consider factors such as whether the variance would be contrary to the public interest. For example, an applicant may request a variance on a minimum setback requirement.
The BOAA is supported with staff of the Leon County Department of Development Support and Environmental Management and the City of Tallahassee's Growth Management Department. The BOAA receives legal advice from its own attorney.
Members must be a resident of Leon County, an owner of real property, and a taxpayer per bylaws.
Tallahassee City Commission
Tallahassee City Commission
As approved by a majority of the local electorate during the November 2020 General Election, the Children's Services Council of Leon County (CSC) was established to provide children with early learning and reading skills, development, treatment, preventative and other children's services. The CSC is an independent special district that provides funding for these children's services throughout the County by annually levying ad valorem taxes, not exceeding the maximum millage rate of one-half (1/2) mill The CSC has independent oversight and accountability as required by law.
The CSC is NOT a citizen committee or division of Leon County Government; however, the Leon County Board of County Commissioners is charged with the responsibility of recommending a minimum of three (3) candidates per seat, to the Governor to fill five (5) citizen seats on the CSC. Those interested in seeking gubernatorial appointment to the CSC must complete the County's online application form.
The CSC has the following powers and functions:
- To provide and maintain in the County such preventive, developmental, treatment and rehabilitative services for children as the council determines are needed for the general welfare of the County.
- To provide such other services for all children as the Council determines are needed for the general welfare of the County.
- To allocate and provide funds for other agencies in the County which are operated for the benefit of children, provided they are not under the exclusive jurisdiction of the public school system.
- To collect information and statistical data and to conduct research, which will be helpful to the Council and the County in deciding the needs of children in the County.
- To consult with other agencies dedicated to the welfare of children, to the end that the overlapping of services will be prevented.
- To lease or buy such real estate, equipment, and personal property and to construct such buildings as are needed to execute the foregoing powers and functions, provided that no such purchases shall be made or building done unless paid for with cash on hand or secured by funds deposited in financial institutions. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the district to issue bonds of any nature, nor shall the district have the power to require the imposition of any bond by the Board of County Commissioners.
- To employ, pay, and provide benefits for any part-time or full-time personnel needed to execute the foregoing powers and duties.
In accordance with Florida Statutes, the five (5) gubernatorial appointees to the CSC must meet the following criteria:
- Have been residents of Leon County for the previous 24-month period.
- To the extent possible, represent the demographic diversity of the population of Leon County.
- File an annual Commission on Ethics Financial Disclosure Form 1.
Governor - Governor: Governor Ron DeSantis
Governor - Governor: Governor Ron DeSantis
Governor - Governor: Governor Ron DeSantis
The Council was created, per Florida Statutes, with the purpose of:
- Stimulating greater awareness and appreciation of the importance of the arts.
- Encouraging and facilitating greater and more efficient use of governmental and private resources for the development and support of the arts.
- Encouraging and facilitating opportunities for citizens to participate in artistic activities.
- Promoting the development of resident artists, art institutions, community organizations sponsoring art activities and audiences.
- Surveying and assessing the needs of the arts, artists, art institutions, community organizations sponsoring arts activities, and citizens relating to the arts.
- Supporting and facilitating the preservation and growth of the state's artistic resources.
- Contracting for artistic services, performances and exhibits.
- Developing a center or complex of physical facilities for the use of the arts.
- Providing financial and technical assistance to artists, arts institutions and audiences.
- and otherwise serving the citizens in the realm of the arts.
Per Statutes, the Council consists of 15 members who must be qualified electors residing in the County. Per COCA bylaws, the 15 members shall include 2 practicing artists, 2 members of the heritage community, and at least 1 member each from the volunteer, business/economic development, tourism, finance or marketing.
The 8 members selected by the BOCC will include one member from each of the following categories:
- Business / Economic Development
- Historic Preservation / Ethnic Heritage
- Practicing Artist
- Marketing
- Tourism Industry
- Community Volunteerism
- Member At-Large (2)
The 7 members recommended by the Mayor of the City of Tallahassee include one member from each of the following categories:
- Business / Economic Development
- Historic Preservation / Ethnic Heritage
- Practicing Artist
- Finance
- Member At-Large (3)
In filling any vacancy which occurs, the Board of County Commissioners shall select the replacement council member from a list of three candidates submitted by the remaining members of the Council.
Per Florida Statutes, each council member will be charged with the responsibility of serving the best interests of the arts in the county and no council member shall view his or her role as that of representing any particular geographic area of the county, interest group, arts institution, community organization, or audience. No individual committed to, or owing allegiance to, any particular arts faction shall be eligible to serve on the council.
Board of County Commissioners
The Workgroup provides input on cycling-related projects, improvements, events, and ordinances that are considered to be of community interest, to the Planning Department staff for consideration for their recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners and the City Commission. The collective input from the Workgroup is provided with the sole intention of assisting the Board, the Commission and the Planning Department to better serve the growth and environmental interests of the community.
Applications from representatives of cycle-related non-profit organizations, State/local agencies, bicycle groups, and local bicycle businesses shall be accepted and considered.
To apply for a City seat please visit the City website for an application:
Tallahassee City Commission
Tallahassee City Commission
Tallahassee City Commission
Tallahassee City Commission
The Leon County Research & Development Authority (LCRDA) Board of Governors serves as the governing board for Innovation Park. The Board is comprised of prominent business and community leaders that work together to guide the growth and development of the Park. The mission of the LCRDA at Innovation Park, is to work in affiliation with Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and Tallahassee State College to promote scientific research and development activities, and foster economic development and broaden the economic base of Leon County, including planning and financing capital projects in the form of a research and development park.
Members must be residents and electors of, or have their principal place of employment in the County.
Board of County Commissioners
In 2022, the Leon County Sheriff's Office, in collaboration with Leon County Government, the City of Tallahassee, and Leon County Schools, created the Tallahassee-Leon County Council on the Status of Men & Boys with the following vision and mission.
The Council on the Status of Men and Boys is committed to preserving life by preventing homicides and non-fatal shootings in Leon County. By providing support and services to the men and boys who are most at risk and addressing the underlying causes of violence, the council’s efforts will improve the overall quality of life for the individuals and neighborhoods impacted by violent crime.
The mission of the Tallahassee-Leon County Council on the Status of Men and Boys is to:
- Unify existing agencies, organizations, and individuals to coordinate resources, funding, and services under a multi-disciplinary plan for reducing homicides and non-fatal shootings in Leon County.
- Assess individual risk and implement prevention and intervention plans for the Leon County men and boys at the greatest risk of becoming a victim or perpetrator of violence. Plans will be both evidence-based and community informed.
- Establish specific goals and objectives to address the disparities and challenges men and boys experience in violence, criminal justice, education, employment, and health.
- Continuously evaluate the results of prevention and intervention efforts and conduct further research and analysis of the homicides and non-fatal shootings occurring in Leon County.
- Live or work in Leon County (at least 2 years)
- Commit to serving at least one term (2 years) with the option of serving up to a max of three terms
- Commit to attending the monthly meetings for year one
- Commit to serve on at least one of the subcommittees
Must be a Social Worker.
Must be a youth leader who is an at-risk or truant youth, ages 16-24.
Must be a youth leader who is an at-risk or truant youth, ages 16-24.
Must be a community member with lived experience with the criminal justice system
The purpose and intent of the Trusted People Neighborhood Engagement Steering Committee is to connect human service providers and residents of the neighborhoods for greater awareness and access to available resources. Additionally, the focus group will serve as a fact-finding source of community input and technical resources for use by County, City, CSC, and UWBB staff in developing staff recommendations to those governing bodies regarding means to strengthen engagement with neighborhoods experiencing the highest rates of food insecurity to build relationships; improve access to and knowledge of available resources; and reduce barriers to healthy and nutritious food as well as overall economic prosperity.
The Steering Committee will perform the following tasks:
- Conduct quarterly meetings with agencies funded by the County, City, CSC, UWBB, and Big Bend Continuum of Care (CoC) to become familiar with the services available to support residents and how the services are accessed and delivered (CoC provides support services to homeless individuals and families in the Big Bend region).
- Conduct quarterly meetings with neighborhood stakeholders to gather information on the human services needs of residents and disseminate information about the available services through frequent community contacts such as churches, HOAs, youth sports team coaches, barber shops, beauty salons, Title I school counselors, etc.
- Gather feedback from residents to assist the County, City, CSC and UWBB in developing recommendations for consideration by the respective Boards to improve the residents’ access to information and services thereby reducing or eliminating barriers to basic services that support economic prosperity.
- Assist County, City, CSC, and UWBB staff in planning and implementing programs and events that engage neighborhood leaders and stakeholders to raise awareness of available resources to the community.
- Participate in the review of Community Human Services Partnership (CHSP) outcome measures and provide feedback on programmatic success and challenges of funded programs to improve outcomes for residents that utilize human services agencies.
- Participate in the development and implementation of diversity, economic, and inclusionary training for CHSP agencies to improve cultural sensitivity and awareness to expand access and delivery of human services to residents in the targeted neighborhoods.
Members must be at least 18 years old and resident of Leon County, with demonstrated knowledge, experience, capacity and cultural awareness necessary to engage children, families, and households within neighborhoods that struggle or are reluctant, to access nutritious food and meals, as well as available human services resources in Leon County.
At least five (5) of the members shall be residents of the following neighborhoods and shall include at least one resident from each neighborhood: Bond, Frenchtown, Griffin Heights, Providence, and South City.
Executive Director of the Children's Services Council
(Vacancies Upcoming in the Next 6 months)
The AHAC was established per Section 420.9076, Florida Statutes, as required for the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) program. Administered by Florida Housing, the SHIP Program provides funds to counties to finance and preserve affordable housing based on the locally adopted Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP). The program targets very-low, low, and moderate-income families.
The AHAC has the responsibility to review the established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted comprehensive plan and recommends specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing. In addition, the AHAC identifies incentives that are pertinent to affordable housing and serves as an information resource to help improve affordable housing feasibility.
Annually, the AHAC recommends specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing in a report to the Board of County Commissioners. The annual AHAC recommendation report includes proposed affordable housing incentive strategies and a review of previously recommended strategies. The Board then considers adopting the strategy recommendations to amend the Leon County LHAP which is required to be eligible for SHIP funds.
The advisory committee may perform other duties as requested, including:
- The provision of mentoring services to affordable housing partners including developers, banking institutions, employers, and others to identify available incentives, assist with applications for funding requests, and develop partnerships between various parties.
- The creation of best practices for the development of affordable housing in the community.
The committee must consist of one County Commissioner and one representative from at least six of the categories a through k listed below:
- A citizen who is actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is a representative of those areas of labor actively engaged in home building in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider of affordable housing.
- A citizen who is actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing.
- A citizen who actively serves on the local planning agency pursuant to Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes.
- A citizen who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governing body making the appointments.
- A citizen who represents employers within the jurisdiction.
- A citizen who represents essential services personnel, as defined in the local housing assistance plan. (Essential Service Personnel includes teachers and educators, other school district, community college and university employees, police and fire personnel, health care personnel, skilled building trades personnel and active U.S. Armed Forces service members.)
- A citizen who currently benefits from a rental housing assistance program, has benefited from an affordable homeownership program, or has experienced an eviction within the 10 years preceding their appointment.
Board of County Commissioners
Member must be a representative of one of the eligibility categories.
Board of County Commissioners
Member must be a representative of one of the eligibility categories.
Board of County Commissioners
Member must be a representative of one of the eligibility categories.
Board of County Commissioners
Member may be a representative of one of the eligibility categories.
In 2022, the Leon County Sheriff's Office, in collaboration with Leon County Government, the City of Tallahassee, and Leon County Schools, created the Tallahassee-Leon County Council on the Status of Men & Boys with the following vision and mission.
The Council on the Status of Men and Boys is committed to preserving life by preventing homicides and non-fatal shootings in Leon County. By providing support and services to the men and boys who are most at risk and addressing the underlying causes of violence, the council’s efforts will improve the overall quality of life for the individuals and neighborhoods impacted by violent crime.
The mission of the Tallahassee-Leon County Council on the Status of Men and Boys is to:
- Unify existing agencies, organizations, and individuals to coordinate resources, funding, and services under a multi-disciplinary plan for reducing homicides and non-fatal shootings in Leon County.
- Assess individual risk and implement prevention and intervention plans for the Leon County men and boys at the greatest risk of becoming a victim or perpetrator of violence. Plans will be both evidence-based and community informed.
- Establish specific goals and objectives to address the disparities and challenges men and boys experience in violence, criminal justice, education, employment, and health.
- Continuously evaluate the results of prevention and intervention efforts and conduct further research and analysis of the homicides and non-fatal shootings occurring in Leon County.
- Live or work in Leon County (at least 2 years)
- Commit to serving at least one term (2 years) with the option of serving up to a max of three terms
- Commit to attending the monthly meetings for year one
- Commit to serve on at least one of the subcommittees
Must be a youth leader who is an at-risk or truant youth, ages 16-24.
Must be a Social Worker.
Must be a current of former Executive Director of boys mentoring/serving organization
Must be a current of former Executive Director of boys mentoring/serving organization
Must be a faith-based leader
Must be a faith-based leader
Must be an educator (non-elected)
Must be an educator (non-elected)
Must be a parent of a male youth whose son was involved in gun violence
Must be a community member with lived experience with the criminal justice system
At-Large member - must have lived or worked in Leon County for at least 2 years
At-Large member - must have lived or worked in Leon County for at least 2 years
At-Large member - must have lived or worked in Leon County for at least 2 years
At-Large member - must have lived or worked in Leon County for at least 2 years
At-Large member - must have lived or worked in Leon County for at least 2 years
At-Large member - must have lived or worked in Leon County for at least 2 years
The Community Development Block Grant Program works to ensure decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable in our community and to create jobs through the expansion and retention of businesses. Citizen participation by persons of low or moderate income, is an integral part of the process.
The purpose of the Citizen's Advisory Task Force (CATF) is to provide input on all phases of the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program process. CATF meets to discuss community needs and make recommendations as to the program area and activities that should be considered when drafting the grant application and prior to the public hearings. Prior to submitting the grant application, one public hearing is held to discuss community needs and a second public hearing is held to discuss the proposed CDBG application, including the specific proposed activities and the funding being requested. The CATF also provides input during the implementation of any grants received by Leon County.
- The CATF is comprised of residents of Leon County and at least 51% of members (three) must be from low-income households (households earning 80% or less of the current annual area median income of $89,700 for a family of 4).
- No member may be an elected official of Leon County and one member may be an employee.
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
The Bicentennial Steering Committee's purpose is to bring together local stakeholders for the collaboration and coordination of planning the activities centered around celebrating and commemorating the Tallahassee-Leon County Bicentennial in 2024. The Committee is charged with the responsibility of providing collective input for use by County staff in developing recommendations for promoting awareness and interest in the 2024 Bicentennial celebration.
The Committee shall have as its goal to formalize and implement an organizational and management plan that provides the following:
1) Values of the Tallahassee/Leon County Bicentennial
2) Strategic Goals of the Tallahassee/Leon County Bicentennial
3) Bicentennial Committee Task ForcesMust be a resident of Leon County.
Big Bend Chamber of Commerce
Capital City Chamber of Commerce
Council on Culture & Arts
Florida A&M University
Florida Historic Capitol Museum
Florida State University
Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce
Knight Creative Community Initiative
Leon County Schools
Office of the Mayor Representative
Riley House Center & Museum
Tallahassee Community College
Tallahassee Downtown Improvement Authority
Tallahassee Historical Society
The purpose of the Tallahassee-Leon County Minority, Women and Small Business Enterprise Citizen Advisory Committee is to monitor the progress of the MSWBE program relative to the goals established by the Board and the Commission. The committee gives input to the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency and the MWSBE Division of the Office of Economic Vitality in the PLACE Department as follows: reviewing and providing MWSBE policy alternatives, as well as providing programmatic recommendations relative to seeking resolution of disputes regarding Certification and Good Faith Effort.
All members must be Leon County residents.
One member appointed by the Board and one member appointed by the City shall have expertise in the fields of Architecture, Construction or Engineering.
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce
Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce
Capital City Chamber of Commerce
The Sports Council is a focus group that concentrates on the economic benefits of visitor-generating events to support sports tourism for the betterment of the community. The Sports Council provides a fact-finding source of community input and technical resources for use by Staff in developing a Staff recommendation regarding a sports tourism-related matter to be considered by the Tourist Development Council. Additionally, the Tallahassee Sports Council is charged with the responsibility of providing essential information to the Tourist Development Council regarding potential events, dates/date conflicts, and venue availability of proposed sporting events in Leon County.
The six At-Large Members must be Leon County residents.
See member eligibility categories listed in Membership below.
Board of County Commissioners
Leon County resident who has demonstrated experience & interest in aspects of sports within Leon County
Board of County Commissioners
Leon County resident who has demonstrated experience & interest in aspects of sports within Leon County
The Value Adjustment Board (VAB) settles disputes between taxpayers and the Property Appraiser relating to denials of exemptions/classifications and market values. Denials for agricultural exemptions are mailed to the property owners by the Property Appraiser in June; denials for homestead exemptions are mailed in July. Property owners are notified in August of their property's assessed and market values in a Truth in Millage (TRIM) notice. If the property owner feels the property's assessment, classification, or exemption is incorrect, a petition can be filed with the VAB. The VAB approves and hires Special Magistrates to conduct quasi-judicial hearings and render recommendations to the VAB for review. The VAB issues the final decisions, which may or may not follow the recommendations of the magistrates.
Citizen Members:
- The Citizen member appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, must own homestead property within the County.
- The Citizen member appointed by the School Board, must own a business occupying commercial space located within the school district. This person must, during the entire course of service, own a commercial enterprise, occupation, profession, or trade conducted from a commercial space located within the school district and need not be the sole owner.
In accordance with Section194.015, Florida Statutes, Citizen members:
- May not be a member or employee of any taxing authority
- May not represent property owners, property appraisers, tax collectors, or taxing authorities in any administrative or judicial review of property taxes
Board of County Commissioners
Must be an owner of homestead property within Leon County
Functions as a focus group, and as a continuous source of community input and technical resources from development industry professionals and community stakeholders providing proactive input and feedback for development review and approval service enhancements to the Development Support and Environmental Management Department staff.
All members must be a Leon County resident.
The following seven seats are appointed by the full Board and do not require a nomination:
- Seat 5: a person who is employed by a local university or school system
- Seats 7 & 8: persons employed by or who represents a community-based, environment-related organization
- Seats 9, 10 & 11: residents of Leon County
- Seat 16: an archaeologist
The following nine seats are nominated by local organizations and appointed by the full Board:
- Seat 1: a person who is engaged in providing construction development, planning or environmental-related services, nominated by the Building Industry Association of the Big Bend (formerly the Tallahassee Builders Association)
- Seat 2: a person who is engaged in providing construction development, planning or environmental-related services, nominated by the Big Bend Contractors Association
- Seat 3: a person who is engaged in providing construction development, planning or environmental-related services, nominated by the National Association of Women in Construction
- Seat 4: a person who is engaged in providing construction development, planning or environmental-related services, nominated by the Associated Builders and Contractors of North Florida
- Seat 6: a person who serves on a neighborhood association board or represents a neighborhood-based organization, nominated by the Council of Neighborhood Associations
- Seat 12: a person who represents a business association or organization, nominated by the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce
- Seat 13: a person who represents a business association or organization, nominated by the Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce
- Seat 14: a person who represents a business association or organization, nominated by the Network of Entrepreneurs & Business Advocates
- Seat 15: a person who represents a business association or organization, nominated by the Capital City Chamber of Commerce
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a a provider of construction development, planning or environmental-related services nominated by the Big Bend Contractors Associaton
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a a provider of construction development, planning or environmental-related services nominated by the Associated Builders & Contractors of North Florida
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a person who serves on a neighborhood association board or represents a neighborhood-based organization, nominated by the Council of Neighborhood Associations
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a person employed by or represents, a community-based, environment-related organization
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a resident of Leon County
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a person who represent a business association or organization, nominated by the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a person who represent a business association or organization, nominated by the Network of Entrepreneurs & Business Advocates
Board of County Commissioners
Reviews and makes recommendations on the listing of properties on the Local Register Historic Places;
Reviews changes, except for routine maintenance, to the exterior of properties zoned with Historic Preservation Overlay (HPOD) Zoning District, and issues or denies Certificates of Appropriateness;
When necessary to protect the character of property in the HPO, grants variances in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the applicable City or County ordinance; and
Administers federal Certified Local Government program for historic preservation on behalf of City and County.
Directs appeals of its decisions to the Planning Commission, which hears appeals and makes recommendations to the County Commission.
Membership includes:
- 4 - owners of property having historic preservation zoning [ HPOD] (City and County each appoints two)
- 2 - members of American Institute of Architects (City and County each appoints one)
- 2 - members of Tallahassee Trust for Historic Preservation, Inc. (City and County each appoints one)
Board of County Commissioners
Must be a owner of property having historic preservation zoning
Conducts hearings on appeals and variances for the City of Tallahassee and Leon County. BOAA members are required to review the staff reports on the requested appeals and variances cases, conduct hearings in order to make findings of fact and, with the assistance of the BOAA attorney, make conclusions of law to make a determination on the requested appeal or variance.
Appeals: Certain decisions made by City or County officials are appealable to the BOAA. For example, an applicant for a proposed development may appeal a decision made by a County official to apply a particular parking standard to the proposed development. The BOAA is responsible for conducting the hearings and making a final decision on the appeals.
Variances: Variances to the City and County’s Land Development Codes may be granted under certain circumstances. The BOAA is responsible for conducting hearings on variances and determining whether the variance meets the applicable requirements. The BOAA will be required to consider factors such as whether the variance would be contrary to the public interest. For example, an applicant may request a variance on a minimum setback requirement.
The BOAA is supported with staff of the Leon County Department of Development Support and Environmental Management and the City of Tallahassee's Growth Management Department. The BOAA receives legal advice from its own attorney.
Members must be a resident of Leon County, an owner of real property, and a taxpayer per bylaws.
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
Tallahassee City Commission
CareerSource Capital Region connects employers with qualified, skilled and talented Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity in Gadsden, Leon and Wakulla counties. Services to job seekers include one-on-one career advising, interviewing and resume-writing assistance, employment workshops, labor market information and access to a resource center equipped with computers, printers, fax machines and copiers. Services to employers include recruitment assistance, skills assessments for applicants, customized training, and information on tax incentives. Employers and job seekers are matched through the Employ Florida Marketplace system. All services are provided at no cost.
The CareerSource Capital Region's Board develops the region's strategic workforce development plan; identifies occupations for which there is a demand in the area served and selecting training institutions that may provide training, in accordance with procurement guidelines and procedures; solicit the input and participation of the local business community in the provision of services for the residents of the region; provide policy guidance and procedures for programs established by CareerSource Capital Region; and, provide oversight and monitoring activities.
Members must be US citizens and residents of Florida.
A nomination is required. Nominations for the private sector seats shall be submitted to the County Commissions, or their designee, by local business organizations including local chambers of commerce, downtown merchants associations, area business associations, etc., but must be compliant with the WIOA and Florida Statutes. Such nominations for the Board shall be representative of the business community in optimal business leadership positions, such as CEO's, VP's of HR, General Managers, Presidents and C Suite executives of firms that require a large workforce to maintain their business. Contact CareerSource Capital Region for more information.
CSCR Membership Application required for appointment consideration.
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
The Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission was established by interlocal agreement on September 26, 1967, between Leon County and the City of Tallahassee. This agreement designated the Planning Commission as the entity responsible for comprehensive area-wide planning within the City of Tallahassee and Leon County. The Planning Commission is also the designated as the Local Planning Agency (LPA) that reviews amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulation Commission that develops and recommends land development regulations to implement the adopted comprehensive plan. Duties and responsibilities of the Planning Commission and the LPA are set forth in the Planning Commission Bylaws as well as the interlocal agreement and local land development codes for the City and County.
All members must be residents of Leon County.
Membership shall be composed of citizens who reside in different areas of Leon County. Under represented areas of the county shall be taken into consideration when filling vacancies.
Efforts shall be made to appoint a representative member of elderly, minority and disabled citizens to the commission.
Board of County Commissioners