Leon County Board of County Commissioners
Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend Region

The Early Learning Coalition was created for the purpose of implementing, coordinating, and administering the provisions of Part V (Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program) and Part VI (School Readiness Program) of Chapter 1002, Florida Statutes, in Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla Counties (ELC Service Area). The ELC further serves as the community child care coordinating agency for the ELC Service Area.
Section 1002.82, Florida Statutes
Decision Making Committee
See eligibility categories under Membership.  More than one-third of the members must be private sector business members, either for-profit or nonprofit, who do not have, a substantial financial interest in the design or delivery of the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program created under part V of the school readiness program.
The Board of Directors of the Early Learning Coalition shall have at least fifteen (15) but not more than thirty (30) members. 

Membership includes the chair and two other members appointed by the Governor, and:
  • (a) A Department of Children and Families regional administrator or his or her permanent designee who is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the department.
  • (b) A district superintendent of schools or his or her permanent designee who is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the district.
  • (c) A local workforce development board executive director or his or her permanent designee.
  • (d) A county health department director or his or her designee.
  • (e) A children’s services council or juvenile welfare board chair or executive director, if applicable.
  • (f) An agency head of a local licensing agency as defined in s. 402.302, where applicable.
  • (g) A president of a Florida College System institution or his or her permanent designee.
  • (h) One member appointed by a board of county commissioners or the governing board of a municipality.
  • (i) A Head Start director.
  • (j) A representative of private for-profit child care providers, including private for-profit family day care homes.
  • (k) A representative of faith-based child care providers.
  • (l) A representative of programs for children with disabilities under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • (m) A central agency administrator, where applicable.

Optional Members: The ELC Board may, but are not required, to appoint up to two (2) optional members per county in the ELC Service Area subject to the following:
  • a. Member must reside in or represent a legal entity located in the county from which the member is appointed;
  • b. Member and their relatives must not have a substantial financial interest in the design or delivery of any Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program (VPK Program) or School Readiness Program;
  • c. Member appointment must not represent a legal entity already represented by another member of the ELC Board;
  • d. A member may be appointed from a Family Child Care Home as long as they are not already represented on the ELC Board;
  • e. A member may be appointed from a non-profit child care provider. Notwithstanding Section 112.3134, Fla. Stat. this member may have a substantial interest in the design or delivery of the VPK Program or the coalition’s School Readiness Program; and
  • f. The ELC Board may choose to appoint a parent of a child enrolled in the VPK or School Readiness Program.
4-Year(s) Expiring December 31
Maximum Number of Terms: 2
The board has the option to renew the member’s term for four additional years for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The ELC Board of Directors meets on a quarterly basis at ELC Leon Service Center, which is located in the Edgewater Corporate Center, 2639 N. Monroe St., Building C, Tallahassee, FL 32303, unless otherwise indicated. All Board of Director meetings are open to the public. Serving on the board requires a commitment of time to attend all board and committee meetings, community and outreach events, as well as orientations and trainings. In addition, each board member is required to serve on one committee and is responsible for educating themselves on the issues addressed by that committee.
Lizbeth L. Murphy, Chief Executive Officer
Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend Region
2639 N. Monroe St. Bldg. C-300
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 552-7346
Abigail Thomas, Director, Human Services & Community Partnerships
Leon County
(850) 606-1900

1 Sims, Kimberly 11/12/2019 2 01/01/2022 12/31/2025 4 Year(s) Board of County Commissioners