Leon County Board of County Commissioners
CareerSource Capital Region Board

CareerSource Capital Region connects employers with qualified, skilled and talented Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity in Gadsden, Leon and Wakulla counties. Services to job seekers include one-on-one career advising, interviewing and resume-writing assistance, employment workshops, labor market information and access to a resource center equipped with computers, printers, fax machines and copiers. Services to employers include recruitment assistance, skills assessments for applicants, customized training, and information on tax incentives. Employers and job seekers are matched through the Employ Florida Marketplace system. All services are provided at no cost.

The CareerSource Capital Region's Board develops the region's strategic workforce development plan; identifies occupations for which there is a demand in the area served and selecting training institutions that may provide training, in accordance with procurement guidelines and procedures; solicit the input and participation of the local business community in the provision of services for the residents of the region; provide policy guidance and procedures for programs established by CareerSource Capital Region; and, provide oversight and monitoring activities.
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) Federal Public Law 105-220, superseded by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), Public Law 113-128.
Florida Statute Chapter 445 the State of Florida "Workforce Innovation Act of 2000"; 445.007- term limits updated in 2021.
Interlocal Agreement between Leon, Wakulla, and Gadsden County Commissions (Region 5)
Decision Making Committee
Members must be US citizens and residents of Florida.

A nomination is required. Nominations for the private sector seats shall be submitted to the County Commissions, or their designee, by local business organizations including local chambers of commerce, downtown merchants associations, area business associations, etc., but must be compliant with the WIOA and Florida Statutes. Such nominations for the Board shall be representative of the business community in optimal business leadership positions, such as CEO's, VP's of HR, General Managers, Presidents and C Suite executives of firms that require a large workforce to maintain their business. Contact CareerSource Capital Region for more information.

CSCR Membership Application required for appointment consideration.

Members must file a Financial Disclosure Form 1 from the Florida Commission on Ethics within 30 days of being appointed and annually by July 1 thereafter. In addition, when leaving the committee members must file a final Form 1F within 60 days of leaving their public position. The final Form 1F covers the disclosure period between January 1 and your last day of office within that year.

23 voting members including:

12 Private Sector Representatives:
  • 7 - members appointed by the Leon County Commission (Full Board appointments)
  • 3 - members appointed by the Gadsen County Commission
  • 2 - members appointed by the Wakulla County Commission
The 12 Private Sector Representatives on the CareerSource Capital Region Board (Region 5) are representatives of the private sector, who are owners of business concerns, executives, or chief operating officers of non-governmental employers, or other private sector executives who have substantial management or policy responsibility. Members are CEO's, VP's of HR, General Managers, Presidents and C Suite executives of firms that require a large workforce to maintain their business.

11 Representatives as specified by the WIOA (Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act)
  • 1 Adult education and literacy representative
  • 1 institution of higher education representative
  • 2 economic and community development representatives
  • 2 organized labor representative
  • 1 community-based organization serving veterans representative
  • 2 governmental agencies representing vocational rehabilitation and public assistances representative
  • 1 philanthropic organization representative
  • 1 non-state funded higher education institution representative
4-Year(s) Expiring June 30
Maximum Number of Terms: 2
Members of a local workforce development board shall serve staggered terms and may not serve for more than 8 consecutive years, unless such member is a representative of a governmental entity. Service in a term of office which commenced before July 1, 2021, does not count toward the 8-year limitation.

Vacancies are filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Quarterly meetings; dates and times posted on the CareerSource Capital Region website: www.careersourcecapitalregion.com
Jim McShane, Executive Director
CareerSource Capital Region
2639 North Monroe St. Bldg. C Suite 100
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 617-4601
Keith Bowers, Director
Office of Economic Vitality
315 S. Calhoun St. Suite 110
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 219-1080

1 McDowell, Martina 09/17/2019 1 07/01/2021 06/30/2025 4 Year(s) Private Sector Rep Board of County Commissioners
2 Chancey, Christina 10/11/2022 1 10/11/2022 06/30/2025 4 Year(s) Private Sector Rep Board of County Commissioners
3 Cicchetti, Amy (Beth) B. 03/07/2017 1 07/01/2022 06/30/2026 4 Year(s) Private Sector Rep Board of County Commissioners
4 Lavoie, Cynthia (Cindy) 09/13/2022 1 09/13/2022 06/30/2026 4 Year(s) Private Sector Rep Board of County Commissioners
5 Ousley, Princess 01/25/2022 1 07/01/2023 06/30/2027 4 Year(s) Private Sector Rep Board of County Commissioners
6 Ellsworth, Monique R 06/14/2023 1 06/14/2023 06/30/2027 4 Year(s) Private Sector Rep Board of County Commissioners
7 Gillespie, Erin 01/26/2021 1 07/01/2021 06/30/2025 4 Year(s) Private Sector Rep Board of County Commissioners