10.  Strategic Initiatives


Statement of Issue: 

This section presents for the Board’s consideration a list of potential Strategic Initiatives that align with the County’s current Strategic Priority areas and their proposed directional statements. During this portion of the Retreat, the Board may wish to amend or add to the list of potential Strategic Initiatives.  

Staff Recommendation:

  1. Consider proposed new or amended Strategic Initiatives.

(New or amended Strategic Initiatives require a super majority vote to be included in the FY 2022-FY 2026 Strategic Plan)



The final building blocks of an organizational strategic plan are Strategic Initiatives.  For Leon County, Strategic Initiatives are program- or area-specific projects that align with the County’s Strategic Priorities. Strategic initiatives ensure that the optimized resources of the County are aligned to address the community’s most pressing issues, achieve top priorities, and realize the vision of a community that is safe, healthy, and vibrant.


Historically, at the start of a new strategic planning cycle, the Board will adopt a moderate set of Initiatives   that represent major programs and projects that will advance the County’s Strategic Priorities over the next five (5) years.  In subsequent years, the Board renews the Strategic Plan by revising or adding new Strategic Initiatives. As a result, the Plan grows to include a large number of Initiatives by the end of the five-year cycle.  For example the current Strategic Plan started with 44 Initiatives adopted by the Board during the December 2016 Retreat.  This total grew to 104 Strategic Initiatives by the end of 2021 as the Board revised or added between 13 to 17 Initiatives at each annual Retreat.



At this point in the Retreat the Board will discuss establishing the preliminary list of Strategic Initiatives for the County’s new FY 2022 – FY 2026 Strategic Plan.  Initiatives are specific actions that can be accomplished over the next five (5) years to advance the County’s Strategic Priorities and may reflect the County’s response to new opportunities or changing conditions that have taken place or are anticipated. Initiatives are also intended to be at a level that warrants Board direction or places an emphasis on a specific issue the Board wishes to highlight.   If a Strategic Initiative does not align with any Strategic Priority’s directional statement, then it would be appropriate at this point to discuss adding a new directional statement. 

In addition to new Strategic Initiatives identified by the Board at the Retreat for inclusion in the FY 2022-FY 2026 plan, staff has identified several potential Strategic Initiatives (included on the following page) for the Board to consider.  This potential list of Strategic Initiatives represents the next steps in advancing a number of existing efforts the Board has recently provided guidance on that rise to the level of being considered a Strategic Initiative.  Some are recommended based on the results of the community survey, environmental scan, and SWOT analysis. Others included in the list are ongoing Initiatives from the existing FY 2017 – FY 2021 Strategic Plan.  As part of the strategic planning process, some of the Initiatives have been updated and/or combined.

Subsequent to the Board approval of new Strategic Initiatives, the County Administrator will assign to the appropriate department staff or identify any interdepartmental or external partnerships necessary to fulfill the specific initiative.  Staff will develop the appropriate assignments and work plans to proceed with implementing the Board’s direction.  Staff will also prepare a formal updated Strategic Plan for the Board to consider in February 2022 which incorporates the direction received at the Retreat.  Throughout the year, agenda items will continue to note when specific action is being requested of the Board in advancing a Strategic Initiative. Additionally, the Board will continue to receive biannual progress updates on Initiatives as part of the June Budget Workshop and Annual Retreat.


Potential Strategic Initiatives for Board Consideration


To be an effective leader and a reliable partner in our continuous efforts to make Leon County a place which attracts and retains talent, to grow and diversify our local economy, and to realize our full economic vitality. (EC)


Strategic Initiatives:


To be a responsible steward of our precious natural resources in our continuous efforts to make Leon County a place which values our environment and natural beauty as a vital component of our community’s health, economic strength, and social offerings. (EN)


Strategic Initiatives:


Quality of Life

To be a provider of essential services which promote the well-being of our citizens and the livability of our community in our continuous efforts to make Leon County a place where people are healthy, safe, and connected to their community. (Q)


Strategic Initiatives:


To be a model for local governance with innovative, competent, and responsible public servants, committed to promoting integrity, creating meaningful opportunities for citizen engagement and co-creation, and ensuring fiscal stewardship. (G)


Strategic Initiatives:

* This Initiative is currently being worked on; however, it was not completed during the FY 2017 – FY 2021 plan cycle and is being recommended for inclusion in the next five-year plan.



  1. Consider proposed new or amended Strategic Initiatives.

(New or amended Strategic Initiatives require a super majority vote to be included in the FY 2022-FY 2026 Strategic Plan)



Option #1