8.  Strategic Priorities


Statement of Issue: 

This section recommends the Board affirm the County’s four (4) Strategic Priorities (Economy, Environment, Quality of Life, and Governance) and seeks consideration of revisions to the proposed directional statements based upon the findings of the community survey analysis, environmental scan, SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), as well as feedback from Commissioners.

Staff Recommendation:

  1. Approve the County’s Strategic Priorities and amended directional statements as presented.



Once an organization has adopted a vision and mission statement, the next key step in strategic planning is establishing its Strategic Priorities. Effective Strategic Priorities encompass vital issues or topics that need to be successfully addressed if an organization is to move forward to its stated vision and mission statements. They should also articulate long-term priorities in order to focus effort, resources and performance.


Leon County’s strategic planning process establishes a long-term plan to achieve the vision and mission, through the attainment of Strategic Priorities. For Leon County, these priorities are high-level categories of focus in the organization’s major areas of responsibilities: Economy, Environment, Quality of Life, and Governance.  The more detailed descriptions of each priority, presented later in this section, consider the County’s future in each area and are critical to the success of the community.  Just as the vision and mission guide an organization’s Strategic Priorities, the adopted priorities inform Strategic Initiative and thus every decision made by Leon County Government.



The existing Strategic Priorities (Economy, Environment, Quality of Life, and Governance) are high-level categories of focus, which consider the desired future condition and the major areas of County government’s responsibilities, critical to the success of the community. Strategic Priorities support the organization’s vision and mission and determine the entire direction of Leon County Government by informing every decision and every initiative.  

Each Strategic Priority is identified with: 

Due to the encompassing nature of the four (4) priority areas, they continue to reflect the community’s values, interests, and concerns. Therefore, the Board may wish to continue with these priorities for the next five-year period.  Maintaining these priorities is supported by the community survey which found that the preferences of Leon County residents are well aligned with the current Strategic Priories, and that residents are largely satisfied with progress made in each of these areas.  Furthermore, even as County services continue to evolve to meet the community’s needs, the Strategic Priorities continue to be representative of the major responsibilities of each department. This is demonstrated by the environmental scan as the identified internal and external trends all fall within the current priority areas.

Alternatively, in developing the new Strategic Plan, the Board may wish to make refinements to the general statements for each of the priority areas; however, none are being recommended at this time.  Given the more specific language used in each priority’s directional statements, it is anticipated that the Board may wish to update the directional statements for the new five-year strategic planning period.  To optimize the Board’s time at the Retreat, a revised set of directional statements have been developed for the Board to consider. The revisions are presented in strike-through and underline in the following sections. These changes were identified based upon the results of the community survey, environmental scan, SWOT analysis, as well as Commissioner input which highlighted several repeated areas of concern or opportunity that were not directly addressed in the directional statements previously.


It is anticipated that the Board’s work effort at the Retreat will focus on identifying new Strategic Initiatives.  The Strategic Initiative work will occur after the Strategic Priorities are addressed.  If a Strategic Initiative is identified that does not readily align with a Strategic Priority’s directional statement, then it is recommended that a new appropriate directional statement be established at that time. 


Strategic Priority - Economy

To be an effective leader and a reliable partner in our continuous efforts to make Leon County a place which attracts and retains talent, to grow and diversify our local economy, and to realize our full economic vitality. (EC)


Strategic Priority - Environment

To be a responsible steward of our precious natural resources in our continuous efforts to make Leon County a place which values our environment and natural beauty as a vital component of our community’s health, economic strength, and social offerings. (EN)


Strategic Priority -Quality of Life

To be a provider of essential services which promote the well-being of our citizens and the livability of our community in our continuous efforts to make Leon County a place where people are healthy, safe, and connected to their community. (Q)

Strategic Priority - Governance

To be a model for local governance with innovative, competent, and responsible public servants, committed to promoting integrity, creating meaningful opportunities for citizen engagement and co-creation, and ensuring fiscal stewardship. (G)

Sustain a culture that respects, engages, and empowers citizens in important decisions facing the community



  1. Approve the County’s Strategic Priorities and amended directional statements as presented.
  2. Approve the County’s Strategic Priorities and directional statements with no revisions.
  3. Board direction.


Option #1