7.  Vision & Mission Statements


Statement of Issue: 

This section provides an analysis of Leon County’s current vision and mission statements including an overview of the guiding principles for developing effective statements.

Staff Recommendation:

  1. Approve the County’s current vision and mission statements with no revisions.



A critical component of the County’s Strategic Plan is the vision and mission statement.  A vision statement is an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the future.  Mission statements are similar to vision statements, but they are more concrete, action-oriented, and explains why an organization exists.


The current vision statement was adopted by the Board at the December 2016 Retreat when the current FY 2017 – FY 2021 Strategic Plan was adopted.  In considering the development of the vision statement, staff prepared a survey which included the following question, “What three words best describe your aspiration for Leon County?”  The most common responses were safe (safe, secure, stop crime), thriving/vibrant (prosperous, thriving, vibrant), and healthy (healthy, quality of life, strong) all of which are reflected in the current vision statement.  Likewise, the County’s mission statement was adopted at this time to align with the new Vision Statement.  Prior to 2017, only individual departments had mission statements.  However, having one overarching organizational mission statement is beneficial as it serves to communicate Leon County Government’s purpose and direction to employees, citizens, vendors and other stakeholders. 



The following is an analysis of the County’s current vision and mission statements including an overview of the guiding principles for developing effective statements.  Based on this analysis as well as the results of most recent community survey, environmental scan, SWOT analysis, and commissioner feedback, it is recommended that the Board reaffirm the current vision and mission statements with no revisions.

Vision Statement

A vision statement is an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the future.  Leon County’s Vision Statement describes what the future of Leon County should be, in an ideal state, as well as what people will perceive of Leon County in the future.  Leon County’s vision statement reads as follows:

A community that is safe, healthy and vibrant.

Some general guiding principles about mission statements are that they are:



The County’s current vision statement meets these criteria.  Furthermore, based upon the results of the most recent community survey and commissioner feedback, the vision statement continues to reflect the values and priorities of Leon County residents.  For these reasons, no revisions to the vision statement are recommended at this time.


Mission Statement     
Mission statements are similar to vision statements, but they are more concrete and action-oriented.  A mission statement is a standard element of an organization’s strategic plan and explains its reason for existence.  It describes the organization, what it does and its overall intention.  The mission statement supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and direction to employees, citizens, vendors and other stakeholders.  The mission also serves as a foundational guide in the establishment of organizational priorities.  Leon County’s mission statement is as follows: 


To efficiently provide public services which serve and strengthen our community.


Some general guiding principles about mission statements are that they are:






The current mission statement also follows best practices and effectively supports the County’s vision statement.  Additionally, the mission statement reflects the values and priorities highlighted in the community survey, environmental scan, SWOT analysis, as well as Commissioner feedback.  For these reasons, no revisions to the mission statement are recommended at this time.




  1. Approve the current County’s vision and mission statements with no revisions.
  2. Amend the County’s vision and mission statements.
  3. Board direction.


Option #1