Leon County Board of County Commissioners
Planning Commission

The Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission was established by interlocal agreement on September 26, 1967, between Leon County and the City of Tallahassee. This agreement designated the Planning Commission as the entity responsible for comprehensive area-wide planning within the City of Tallahassee and Leon County. The Planning Commission is also the designated as the Local Planning Agency (LPA) that reviews amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulation Commission that develops and recommends land development regulations to implement the adopted comprehensive plan. Duties and responsibilities of the Planning Commission and the LPA are set forth in the Planning Commission Bylaws as well as the interlocal agreement and local land development codes for the City and County.
Chapter 163, Florida Statutes 
Interlocal Agreement: Cooperative Agreement for Areawide Planning of the Tallahassee Metropolitan Area - 9/26/1967
Leon County Code of Laws, Chapter 10, Division 3, Subdivision 2, Section 10-2.321
Decision Making Committee
All members must be residents of Leon County.
Membership shall be composed of citizens who reside in different areas of Leon County. Under represented areas of the county shall be taken into consideration when filling vacancies.
Efforts shall be made to appoint a representative member of elderly, minority and disabled citizens to the commission.

Members must file a Financial Disclosure Form 1 from the Florida Commission on Ethics within 30 days of being appointed and annually by July 1 thereafter. In addition, when leaving the committee members must file a final Form 1F within 60 days of leaving their public position. The final Form 1F covers the disclosure period between January 1 and your last day of office within that year.

7 total members:
  • 3 - appointed by the Board of County Commissioners
  • 3 - appointed by the City Commission
  • 1 - selected by School Board, approved and appointed jointly by the Board of County Commissioners and the City Commission

To apply for City appointed seats, please go to: http://www.talgov.com/transparency/boards.aspx
3-Year(s) Expiring June 30
Maximum Number of Terms: 3
Members may be reappointed. County appointed members are limited to 3 consecutive terms per Policy No. 03-15. City appointed members are limited to 2 consecutive terms per Policy No. 110.
Vacancies are filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Meetings held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the 2nd floor conference room in the Frenchtown Renaissance Building
Russell Snyder, Land Use Administrator
Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department
435 N. Macomb St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 891-6420
Beth Perrine, Administrative Assistant
Planning Department
(850) 891-6410
Silvia M. Alderman, Attorney
106 E. College Avenue, 12th floor
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 425-1627

1 Parker, Jovona Iniki 09/17/2024 1 09/17/2024 06/30/2026 3 Year(s) Board of County Commissioners
2 O'Hara, Rebecca 06/14/2022 1 07/01/2022 06/30/2025 3 Year(s) Board of County Commissioners
3 Reynolds, George Spears 06/11/2024 1 07/01/2024 06/30/2027 3 Year(s) Board of County Commissioners
4 McQueen, LaRoderick E. 07/13/2021 2 07/01/2023 06/30/2026 3 Year(s) Selected by Leon County School Board Board of County Commissioners & City of Tallahassee
5 Shepherd, Will 06/14/2023 1 07/01/2023 06/30/2026 3 Year(s) Tallahassee City Commission
6 Renfro, Blake B 06/19/2024 1 07/01/2024 06/30/2027 3 Year(s) Tallahassee City Commission
7 Minor, Christian 06/19/2024 1 07/01/2024 06/30/2025 3 Year(s) Tallahassee City Commission